- Remote continuous computer-aided radiation monitoring of the environment.
- Receipt of measurement results of ambient dose equivalent rate (DER) from the BDBG-09 detection units, ambient temperature values, and service information (serial number, results of self-testing) and data transfer to the server by GPRS channel.
- Display of measurement results in real-time mode, in numerical and/or graphical form, obtained from monitoring points located at a considerable distance.
- Possibility to set a different threshold level of alarm for each of the monitoring points.
- Generation of emergency and warning notifications when DER measurement results of the specified threshold levels are exceeded.
- Storage of measurement results received from monitoring points, emergency and warning notifications to the database.
- Display of saved measurement results from monitoring points, emergency and warning notifications recorded in the database.
- Storage of information received from the detection units BDBG-09 when disconnected from a remote fixed server, and its subsequent transfer when reconnected.
- Possibility to expand functionality through the integration of devices, equipped with RS-485 interface (e.g., weather stations or other types of detectors with the appropriate adaptation of application software).
- Possibility to connect the IT-09 (T) panel directly in the monitoring point installation for the radiation situation assessment.
- Autonomous operation of monitoring points without an external supply voltage of 220 V. The system is equipped with an uninterruptible power supply.
- Use of SCADA software capabilities and benefits when using a server component, including report generation and printing.