RadSpace | Automated System Of Remote Radiation Monitoring

RadSpace | Automated System Of Remote Radiation Monitoring


  • Remote continuous computer-aided radiation monitoring of the environment.
  • Receipt of measurement results of ambient dose equivalent rate (DER) from the BDBG-09 detection units, ambient temperature values, and service information (serial number, results of self-testing) and data transfer to the server by GPRS channel.
  • Display of measurement results in real-time mode, in numerical and/or graphical form, obtained from monitoring points located at a considerable distance.
  • Possibility to set a different threshold level of alarm for each of the monitoring points.
  • Generation of emergency and warning notifications when DER measurement results of the specified threshold levels are exceeded.
  • Storage of measurement results received from monitoring points, emergency and warning notifications to the database.
  • Display of saved measurement results from monitoring points, emergency and warning notifications recorded in the database.
  • Storage of information received from the detection units BDBG-09 when disconnected from a remote fixed server, and its subsequent transfer when reconnected.
  • Possibility to expand functionality through the integration of devices, equipped with RS-485 interface (e.g., weather stations or other types of detectors with the appropriate adaptation of application software).
  • Possibility to connect the IT-09 (T) panel directly in the monitoring point installation for the radiation situation assessment.
  • Autonomous operation of monitoring points without an external supply voltage of 220 V. The system is equipped with an uninterruptible power supply.
  • Use of SCADA software capabilities and benefits when using a server component, including report generation and printing.
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RadSpace is a unique two-component system with a client-server architecture, which is designed for remote radiation monitoring of the environment. The server component consists of a server computer with server software. The client component is based on the stationary monitoring points with BDBG-09 detection units connected to them. The system provides real-time information about the radiation level from monitoring points that are connected to the server computer by GPRS channel.

The maximum number of dosimetric information collection points is up to 5,000, and the data transfer distance is determined by the coverage of the mobile operator, which makes the RadSpace system extremely flexible and allows it to be adapted to the needs of a particular customer. To perform the function of remote radiation monitoring of the environment, the server computer must be connected to the Internet using a static IP address. The received information from monitoring points is processed by means of server component, displayed and archived in a database for its further analysis, export to other formats, forming and printing reports.
RadSpace radiology solutions may be used for the purposes of NPP needs (surveillance zone, sanitary protection zone), environmental inspectorates, weather stations, and national automatic systems for continuous radiation monitoring.

The system may include BDBG-09, BDBG-09 Water-Resistant and BDBG-15S intelligent detecting units of gamma radiation.

Purpose of Use

  • Continuous remote measurement of ambient dose equivalent rate (DER) of gamma radiation and ambient temperature.
  • Transfer of PAED measurement and ambient temperature results to a remote server.
  • Display of measurement results in real-time mode on a PC screen.
  • Maintaining a database of dosimetric measurements with the option of report generation.

Branches of Use

  • Radiological laboratories
  • Radioactive waste storage sites
  • Mining industry
  • Nuclear power industry
  • Emergency service and civil defense
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